
College Admissions


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Student Success Center
Monday-Friday 8 am – 5 pm
(Closed on Fridays during the summer)

Office: Stensland Hall
Phone: (541) 888-7405

Get to know Southwestern – Home of the Lakers

Are you curious about how Southwestern can help you achieve your goals? Our college admissions counselors are your resource for all things Southwestern. We are here to help you become familiar with the programs offered, all of which can lead directly to careers or  prepare for your transfer to a four-year university. If you are interested in getting a feel for the place you’ll be studying, our college admissions team would be happy to help you plan your visit! We’re here to show you around our campuses:

  • Coos Campus (Coos Bay, Oregon): Our main campus includes our on-campus, apartment style housing.
  • Curry Campus (Brookings, Oregon): Our satellite campus situated in a picturesque lodge-like setting.


We offer an array of student clubs and intercollegiate athletic programs that supplement your academics. We also have many support services to help you succeed both inside and outside the classroom. Even better? Southwestern does not charge out-of-state tuition! We accept state and federal financial aid, outside grants and scholarships, and also offer scholarships through the Southwestern Foundation. When you are ready to officially become a Southwestern student, our college admissions team is here to help you through every step of the admission process.

General College Admission Information

We accept all students who apply – come with a desire to learn, get a degree or receive short-term job training. Our college admissions team is here to help you get started on your academic path at Southwestern.

Si usted necesita mas ayuda, por favor, llame al teléfono 541-240-8227.

Specific College Admissions Guidance For…

See below for more detailed college admissions guidance if you fall within any of the below categories. Not sure if any of these is for you? No problem, let’s connect! Text or call 541-240-8227 or email us with your question.

Transfer Students

You are considered a transfer student if you have attended college elsewhere and are wanting to transfer your credits to Southwestern. So long as you plan to complete a degree and/or receive financial aid, simply complete the Application for Admission and send your  official transcripts from all previously attended colleges to the following:

Southwestern Oregon Community College
Attn: Transcript Evaluator
1988 Newmark Avenue
Coos Bay, OR 97420

Course credits transferred from other accredited colleges or universities are evaluated in terms of equivalency to Southwestern courses and/or applicability to Southwestern programs. All credits of the cumulative grade point average (GPA) are transferred, even though some of the credits may not apply to a student’s Southwestern program.


Returning Students

Are you a former Southwestern Oregon Community College degree-seeking student? If so…

  • Has it been one or more years since you attended Southwestern? Follow the instructions on the Become a Student page.
  • Has it been less than one year since you attended Southwestern? Schedule an appointment with your advisor

College Credit for Local High School Students

If you are a current high school student residing in Coos County, Curry County or Western Douglas County (Reedsport) and would like to receive college credits, please visit our High School Partnerships page to apply to our CollegeNow program, which includes dual credit and expanded options courses.

IMPORTANT! To earn college credits as a local high school student, you will need to complete the CollegeNow application located on the High School Partnerships page.

Underage Student Enrollment

If you are under 18 years old and will not have a high school diploma or GED® by the start of your first term, you and your parent(s) or legal guardian(s) will need to meet with the Dean of Student Services and complete the “Underage Student Orientation to College” and “Underage Agreement” forms. To schedule an appointment call 541-888-1579.

IMPORTANT: If you are a current local high school student simply looking to receive college credits, follow the above guidance for “local high school students.”

GED® Students

Looking to get your GED®? Here are the steps you should take:

1. Visit our GED® & Pre-College Education page for all the information.
2. Complete the GED Program Application

International Students

If you are looking to attend Southwestern, but reside in a country outside the United States, we welcome you to the College through our International Student Program. You are part of this program if you require a student visa to study in the United States.

First, visit our International Student Program page, where you will find contact information for our international student coordinator and all information about the program including:


You are welcome and supported as a veteran on both our Coos and Curry campuses! To become a student, you should first complete the Application for College Admission and make sure to indicate are a veteran when prompted within the application. Regardless of your plan to utilize your veterans benefits while attending Southwestern, we highly recommend you connect with our Veterans Services Coordinator to explore other benefits and resources to help you succeed as a student here.

Community Education Students/Community Classes

If you are simply looking to take classes for fun and personal growth, we offer not-for-credit community classes (oftentimes considered “community education” or “community ed” classes). For all the information about our community classes including how to enroll, visit our Community Classes page.




Text or Call: 541-240-8227

Coos Campus
Dellwood Hall
Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm
(Closed on Fridays during summer)

Curry Campus
Front Desk
Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm
(Closed on Fridays during summer)

Phone: 541-813-1667

Enroll now! We’ll walk you through everything you need to know to become a student.
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Come see why Southwestern Oregon Community College is a great place to learn.

Alternative Credits

Alternative credits are simply other ways students may earn college credits. Below is an overview of the various alternative credit offerings offered at Southwestern.

Credit for Prior Learning

Credit for Prior Learning is an opportunity for Southwestern students to be granted credit for verifiable, college-level learning that is acquired outside the college setting through life or work experience. There are several ways to gain Credit for Prior Learning, including the College Level Entrance Examination Program (CLEP), challenge exams by course, Advanced Placement Program (APP), military training, industry certifications/training programs, or Prior Learning Assessments (PLA). Talk to your advisor to learn more about options.

Students must be working toward a degree, be enrolled, and complete a minimum of three credits at Southwestern during the quarter in which a class is challenged or prior learning is assessed. Students may request credit for prior learning for up to 25% of their credits to satisfy the requirements for a 1 year certificate or 2 year degree. If planning to transfer to another institution, it is recommended that the student check with their intended transfer school for acceptance of challenge/PLA credits. Challenge/PLA credits do not count toward determining financial aid or veteran’s benefits and payment (half the tuition) is required before the Challenge/PLA process is started.


Advanced Placement Program (APP)

High school seniors who participate in the College Entrance Examination Board’s Advanced Placement Program may seek advanced placement in a variety of disciplines. Entering freshman who have taken the APP tests should have the results sent to the Student Success Center. Advanced placement and/or college credit may be granted upon recommendation of the appropriate party. Credit may be granted only if students are working towards a degree/certificate, enrolled and completed a minimum of three credits at Southwestern during the quarter. The Student Success Center and the Student Success Center can provide interested students with procedures.


Students who believe that they have the knowledge and skills from life experience, industry training or professional certification, may request to challenge a course by petition or by an examination in lieu of class attendance. (Laboratory classes may be challenged with the approval of the dean/faculty.) Successful challenge results in grade and credit on the Southwestern permanent record identified as credit for challenge. Credit may be granted only if the students are working towards a degree/certificate, enrolled and completed a minimum of three credits at Southwestern during the quarter the challenge is assessed. The Student Success Center will provide interested students with procedures.

Students may not drop or withdraw from challenged courses. Financial aid recipients cannot use financial aid dollars to “challenge” courses.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Students enrolled at Southwestern may receive credit for certain college courses by submitting official scores from the College Level Entrance Examination Program (CLEP). Successful CLEP exam results in grade and credit on the Southwestern permanent record identified as CLEP. The  Student Success Center can provide interested students with procedures.


Student Housing

Recreation Center

Curry Campus

Parents & Families


Campus Store


Pathways & Degrees


GED & Pre-College Education

Job & Workforce Training

Maritime Classes

Community Classes

Small Business Dev. Center

CARE Connections


International Students


High School Partnerships

Pay For College

Tuition & Fees

Financial Aid


Campus Safety



Accessible Education Services
TRIO Programs
Career Coach
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