College Tutoring
Free Tutoring Available!
We want you to succeed. Our tutors are here to help you do just that. Our college tutoring staff are highly qualified in a range of subjects and are available both in-person and online during all hours the center is open. From math to writing and everything in between, we’re your ‘one-stop-shop’ for studying, writing assistance, group project collaboration, help with homework and more. Even better? NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY!
It's very simple to connect with a tutor. You have options:
- In-Person: Visit us on the Coos Campus in the Laker Learning Commons on the 3rd Floor of Tioga Hall. In-person tutoring can be arranged for Curry Campus students; simply email us and let us know what you need help with!
- Drop-In Zoom: First, login to myLakerLink and then click on the “Student Success Services” tab up top. Click the button that says “Drop-In Zoom” and you’ll get connected with a tutor!
Free Study Space
The Laker Learning Commons, located on the 3rd Floor of Tioga Hall on the Coos Campus, is available for student use during open hours. Benefits of utilizing this space includes:
- 56 computers available for student use, free printing, and a comfortable studying environment.
- Whiteboard tables for group work.
- Couches with USB and regular plugins.
- Tutors available if you run into trouble on your homework.
- Four study rooms available for student use, two large group study rooms and two small study rooms. Study rooms can be reserved by calling or emailing us.
There are also computer labs and ample study areas available for students to use on our Curry Campus. Connect with the Curry front desk or email us if you are interested in reserving one of these rooms to utilize for tutoring purposes.

Free Faculty Writing Coaches
Have a writing assignment due? Need a second set of eyes? Faculty writing coaches are available to help you with all your writing needs through our Writing Center. Writing coaches will help you at every stage of the writing process, from helping come up with a thesis for your paper to reviewing your final draft to make sure it is ready to submit. We can even help review scholarship applications and essays!
Just like tutoring, writing coaches are available both in-person and via Zoom. You can also submit your paper and a description of what you need help with via email and a writing coach will review your paper and respond within 24 business hours.
Local High School Students
Struggling in a class? Our tutoring services are available to all local high school students during operating hours. We are able to help you in any subject, just hop on our Zoom tutoring (contact your counselor for the link) and a tutor will greet and help you. Or, visit us in-person. No appointment necessary!
Curry Campus & Online Students
You have access to all of our services, as well! Special tutoring sessions (including in-person) can be arranged by contacting us via email. If you have a specific need, simply contact us and let us know how we can help.