Brookings, OR – Southwestern Oregon Community College Curry Campus invites the community to join us on Thursday, March 14, 2024, 12:00 to 1:00 pm for “Curry County Watersheds and You!”.
This is a free program sponsored by the Friends of Curry Campus and will be held in the Community Room on Southwestern’s Curry Campus, 96082 Lone Ranch Parkway (off Highway 101), Brookings. Bring a friend and a brown bag lunch.
The Curry Watersheds Partnership is a group of non-regulatory organizations working together to help local landowners and communities keep our shared lands and rivers healthy and sustainable. The Curry Watersheds Partnership includes the Curry Soil and Water Conservation District, the South Coast and Lower Rogue Watershed Councils, and the Curry Watersheds Nonprofit. Our staff and dedicated network of volunteers are focused on improving our watershed health through community-based restoration efforts, scientific monitoring, and educating the public through local schools and community presentations.
Guest Speakers Kelly Timchak, Robie Lascheck and Liesl Coleman:
Kelly Timchak always knew she wanted to work in creeks and rivers. She previously worked for the Port Orford Ocean Resource Team and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Biology from Southeast Missouri State University and a Master of Science in Fisheries from the University of New Brunswick, Canada. Kelly is the Lower Rogue Watershed Coordinator.
Robie Lascheck has a passion for mountain lakes and crystal-clear rivers. He received a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from the University of Oregon, and Master of Environmental Management from Portland State University. He has worked on a variety of natural resource monitoring projects. His tool set includes natural resource monitoring, data analysis, and GIS. He is the South Coast Watershed Council Coordinator.
Liesl Coleman is a happy and hardworking Manager at Curry Soil and Water Conservation District. One of the things she loves most about the work of the Curry Watersheds Partnership is building relationships that endure and create respectful stewardship of the watershed.
Stay tuned for upcoming talks in our speaker series. Talks this spring will focus on travel and tourism and the Wild Rivers Film Festival. For more information contact the Curry Campus at 541-813-1667.