
Brookings, OR – Southwestern Oregon Community College Curry Campus invites the community to join us on Thursday, April 11, 2024, 12:00 to 1:00 pm for: Odd Creatures in Our Tide Pools.

Bill Gorham, a marine biologist who’s lived and dived around the world from Alaska and Australia to Hawaii and the Virgin Islands retired to Brookings with his wife, Vicki, in 2017. Bill’s passion for the ocean started as a kid in Illinois (huh?). In this talk, he’ll share stories and images from decades of diving, teaching, beach combing, and tide pooling. Discover what you can find when you slow down and look closely at the things on the beach, whether they live in or on it, traverse through it, or simply get washed up. Explore the weird animals and plants, both common and hidden, that find unique ways to make the intertidal home.

Bill wants to motivate the audience to take care of the ocean and all its resources whether from discarded trash, overfishing, marine heat waves, or acidification. And, he’ll provide some words of wisdom for safe beach combing or tide pooling by reminding you about slippery rocks, rogue waves, mean crabs, spiny fish, and other surprises.

This is a free program sponsored by the Friends of Curry Campus and will be held in the Community Room on Southwestern’s Curry Campus, 96082 Lone Ranch Parkway (off Highway 101), Brookings. Bring a friend and a brown bag lunch.

Stay tuned for upcoming talks in our speaker series. For more information contact the Curry Campus at 541-813-1667.



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