Coos Bay, OR – As our final Physics and Astronomy Lecture event of the 2021-22 academic year, Southwestern Oregon Community College will feature the research work done by our student researchers and staff during winter and spring terms. The symposium will be held Thursday, May 26, 2022, at 7 pm on the Coos campus (1988 Newmark Ave., Coos Bay) in Umpqua Hall room 184. Admission is free. We will livestream the presentations through our Physics and Astronomy livestream link for those who cannot attend in person:
From discussions of growing plants under Martian conditions, to developing liquid crystal solar cells, hunting for asteroids and meteorites, and describing and exploring our interplanetary environment, our Southwestern student researchers have been conducting wide-ranging science investigations. Come hear the reports of their recent findings and next steps in their research.
These research projects were the result of student participation in Oregon NASA Space Grant Consortium (OSGC) funded opportunities. We are grateful for the continued support of OSGC and its many programs. To learn more visit:
For more information about this symposium, please contact Dr. Aaron Coyner, Associate Professor of Physics, at 541-888-7244, To learn more about physics and engineering degrees at Southwestern visit