
COOS BAY, Ore. – The Anthropology and Sociology Department at Southwestern Oregon Community College welcomes Dr. John Shea, Archaeology Professor at Stony Brook University, to our Anthropology and Sociology Speaker Series on March 2, 2023 at 6:00 pm. This virtual event will be carried via our LiveStream service, making it free and accessible to the public. Access the LiveStream here: https://livestream.com/swocc/anthropologysociology22-23.


Dr. Shea’s research interests focus on the archaeology of Stone Age humans in the Near East and Africa. He is particularly interested in human adaption and migration through the East Mediterranean Levant (Lebanon, Syria, Israel and Jordan). His work focuses on lithic (stone) analysis, and much of his research focuses on what stone tools can tell us about how people lived hundreds of thousands of years ago. Shea is also an expert flintknapper who has given numerous demonstrations of stone tool-making techniques in university classes, public lectures, and television documentaries.


This lecture series is sponsored by the Bay Area Archaeology Club. For more information, please contact Dr. Dana L. Pertermann, Professor of Anthropology and Sociology at Southwestern at 541-888-7129 or dana.pertermann@socc.edu.



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