
Pictured left to right are Southwestern Associate Professor, Forestry/Natural Resources Tasha Davison;  Ian Thompson, Senior Timber Marketing Manager Rayonier; President Patty Scott; Vice President of Instruction and Student Services Ali Mageehon; and CTE Dean Dan Koopman.


Coos Bay, OR – Southwestern Oregon Community College is pleased to honor Rayonier with the 2023 Career Technical Education (CTE) Industry Partner of the Year award.

Southwestern recognizes our forestry and natural resources CTE partner, Rayonier, whose steadfast support of our programs has been integral to our students these past eight years. As a forestry organization specializing in timber resources, Rayonier’s mission is to provide industry-leading financial returns to their shareholders while serving as a responsible steward of the environment and a beneficial partner to the communities in which they operate. Not only does Rayonier serve on our forestry and natural resources advisory committee, but their local employees have provided guest lectures, field trips, and internship opportunities for our students. It is with great pleasure that we present them with our CTE Partner of the Year Award.

To learn more about Southwestern’s career technical training programs visit www.socc.edu, or call 541-888-7405 to make an appointment with an advisor. You can learn more about Rayonier at https://www.rayonier.com.




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