Southwestern Students Recognized for Academic Honors Spring Term 2022
Coos Bay, OR – Southwestern Oregon Community College announces the names of students who excelled spring term for the 2021-2022 academic school year. These students are being recognized with placement on the college’s Dean’s List (DL), Honor Roll (HR) and Academic Excellence (AE) list.
• Academic Excellence – students must receive a GPA of 4.0 in at least 12 credits
• Honor Roll – students must receive a GPA between 3.5 and 3.99 in at least 12 credits
• Dean’s List – students must receive a GPA between 3.0 and 3.49 in at least 12 credits
First Name | Last Name | City | State/Country | Academic Honor |
Kady | Acuna Vega | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Candra | Adolphson | Coquille | OR | Dean’s List |
Yazan | Al Jaouni | Jeddah | Saudi Arabia | Academic Excellence |
Aurora | Alumbaugh | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Stephen | Anderson | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Erin | Anderson | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Shyler | Antis | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Brandon | Arreola-Soto | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Sasha | Arzner | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Derek | Atkinson | West Jordan | UT | Dean’s List |
Gerardo | Avila | La Porte | TX | Honor Roll |
Brandon | Bahm | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Michael | Baker | Florence | OR | Dean’s List |
Cade | Baker | Bonner | MT | Dean’s List |
Toby | Balaam | Kamuela | HI | Dean’s List |
Roman | Baltazar | Molalla | OR | Honor Roll |
Freddy | Barajas | White City | OR | Honor Roll |
Alexis | Bates | Salt Lake City | UT | Dean’s List |
Cameron | Bauman | Everson | WA | Honor Roll |
Christon | Beaird | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Madison | Beam | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Melissa | Beavers | Gold Beach | OR | Honor Roll |
Natalie | Beck | Pocatello | ID | Academic Excellence |
Devin | Beckstead | Draper | UT | Dean’s List |
Joseph | Benavidez | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Sydney | Bennett | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Haley | Bennett | North Bend | OR | Honor Roll |
Kathryn | Berger | North Bend | OR | Honor Roll |
Krista | Berry | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Conner | Bingham | Beaverton | OR | Dean’s List |
Duncan | Blackmon | Burley | ID | Honor Roll |
Dylan | Boice | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Leah | Bolle-Vanloo | Lakeside | OR | Dean’s List |
Lanaeya | Botelho | Crescent City | CA | Academic Excellence |
Taylor | Bough | North Bend | OR | Honor Roll |
Kalieyah | Boyd | Kirtland | NM | Dean’s List |
Canek | Bracho Maganda | Kitchener | Canada | Honor Roll |
Louise | Brenner | Forest Grove | OR | Dean’s List |
Christopher | Bricker | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Jarod | Brown | Portland | OR | Academic Excellence |
Luke | Brown | Langlois | OR | Dean’s List |
Logan | Burden | Grants Pass | OR | Dean’s List |
Liam | Buskerud-Olson | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Daniel | Cabrera | Bandon | OR | Academic Excellence |
John | Capps | Anderson | CA | Academic Excellence |
Jena | Capps | Gold Beach | OR | Honor Roll |
Vanessa | Cardoso | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Katie | Carver | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Alison | Cecil | Portland | OR | Academic Excellence |
Chad | Chambers | Calera | AL | Dean’s List |
Jennifer | Clark | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Catrina | Clayholt | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Faith | Cline | Bandon | OR | Dean’s List |
Christen | Coady | Coquille | OR | Academic Excellence |
Gideon-Abel | Cole | St Paul | MN | Dean’s List |
Kimberly | Conner | Bandon | OR | Academic Excellence |
Gabriela | Corrales | Albuquerque | NM | Dean’s List |
Brooklynn | Cox | Brush | CO | Academic Excellence |
Samuel | Cox | Ferndale | WA | Honor Roll |
Lloyd | Crawford | Coquille | OR | Dean’s List |
Jaycen Kainoa | Crisostomo | Honolulu | HI | Dean’s List |
Brandon | Cunningham | Myrtle Point | OR | Academic Excellence |
Shasta | Cunningham | North Bend | OR | Honor Roll |
Skyler | Curwen | Reno | NV | Dean’s List |
Jacob | Dalrymple | Las Vegas | NV | Honor Roll |
Trevor | Dalton | Merrill | OR | Dean’s List |
Melissa | Darrow | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Chaz | Davis | Brookings | OR | Honor Roll |
Steffanie | Dean | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Camila | Devaux | Bahia Blanca | Argentina | Dean’s List |
Ryan | DeVore | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Randi | Dexter | Reedsport | OR | Honor Roll |
Kassidy | Dial | Anchorage | AK | Honor Roll |
Rachel | Dick | Wedderburn | OR | Dean’s List |
Marshall | Dickson | Gold Beach | OR | Academic Excellence |
Mackenzie | Dimond | Jerome | ID | Academic Excellence |
Robert | Doane | Reedsport | OR | Dean’s List |
Kylee | Dombroski | Las Vegas | NV | Dean’s List |
Alejandro | Dominguez-Alvarez | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Luke | Donaldson | Coquille | OR | Academic Excellence |
Emile | Dost | Drenthe | Netherlands | Honor Roll |
Randolph | Dresser | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Jacob | Dukovich | Reedsport | OR | Academic Excellence |
Dresean | Eagleton | Dallas | OR | Academic Excellence |
Tyler | Easter | Grants Pass | OR | Honor Roll |
Brayden | Edwards | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Courtney | Edwards | North Bend | OR | Honor Roll |
Hilana | Ely | Nixon | NV | Academic Excellence |
Allison | Emerson | Reedsport | OR | Honor Roll |
Amanda | Entgelmeier | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Xiaoxiao | Esty | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Evelyn | Ethington | Springville | UT | Academic Excellence |
Katelynn | Evans | Newberg | OR | Academic Excellence |
Lydia | Evans | The Dalles | OR | Dean’s List |
Andrew | Evans | Philadelphia | PA | Honor Roll |
Erica | Evers | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Antoine | Famechon | Coudoux | France | Dean’s List |
Riley | Farrell | Bremerton | WA | Dean’s List |
Connor | Fauver | North Bend | OR | Honor Roll |
Ximena | Fernandez Skrabonja | Lima | Peru | Dean’s List |
Brooke | Firestone | Brookings | OR | Dean’s List |
Brendan | Fisher | Bandon | OR | Honor Roll |
Melanie | Flood | Brookings | OR | Academic Excellence |
Kelsey | Flores | Coquille | OR | Dean’s List |
Gabriel | Foltz | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Lyle | Fortune | Johannesburg | South Africa | Academic Excellence |
Bethany | Foster | Roseburg | OR | Dean’s List |
Sabastian | Foucher | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Brayden | Franzke | Damascus | OR | Dean’s List |
Catie | Fry | Gervais | OR | Academic Excellence |
Abigail | Fryxell | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Lara | Galy | St Hilaire | France | Honor Roll |
Sara | Garcia | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Alexa | Garcia | Manteca | CA | Dean’s List |
Jovan | Garcia | Tolleson | AZ | Dean’s List |
Luigi | Gardino-Bulas | Gold Beach | OR | Academic Excellence |
Chika | Gardner | Eugene | OR | Academic Excellence |
Cole | Garland | Keizer | OR | Honor Roll |
Julia | Gaston | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Caitlin | Gill | Coquille | OR | Honor Roll |
Luzmar | Giraldo Torrealba | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Christopher | Giraudo | Roseburg | OR | Academic Excellence |
Michelle | Gochnour | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Jolly | Gonos | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Jacob | Graff | Corvallis | OR | Academic Excellence |
Nicolas | Graham | Reedsport | OR | Academic Excellence |
Heather | Grant | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Julia | Graves | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Sarah | Gray | Reno | NV | Dean’s List |
Felix | Greening | Bellingham | WA | Honor Roll |
Desiree | Greer | Gold Beach | OR | Academic Excellence |
Borislava | Grigorova | Florence | OR | Dean’s List |
Nichole | Grover | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Nathan | Grover | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Shawn | Guerrero | Coquille | OR | Honor Roll |
Dariane | Gutierrez | Coquille | OR | Academic Excellence |
Mark | Gutierrez | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Elpidio | Gutierrez | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Camryn | Guzman | Bandon | OR | Academic Excellence |
Amara | Halverson | Kalispell | MT | Honor Roll |
Nicole | Hamby-Freund | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Timothy | Hamm | Gold Beach | OR | Dean’s List |
Jackson | Hammar | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Andrew | Hansen | Ferndale | CA | Dean’s List |
John | Harder | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Michael | Harris | Myrtle Point | OR | Honor Roll |
Danny | Hawthorne | Gold Beach | OR | Honor Roll |
Jordan | Henderson | Coquille | OR | Dean’s List |
Alana | Henderson | Wendover | UT | Honor Roll |
William | Hennum | Philomath | OR | Honor Roll |
Reno | Henriques | Kaneohe | HI | Honor Roll |
Leah | Hernandez | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Jasmine | Herrera | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Skotlyn | Hill | Logandale | NV | Academic Excellence |
Kaitlyn | Hinkle | Dayton | NV | Dean’s List |
Kaitlin | Hoffman | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Natasha | Holmes | Brookings | OR | Academic Excellence |
Carly | Homenyk | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Kristen | Hostetler | Florence | OR | Academic Excellence |
Lucy | Hough | Hesperia | CA | Academic Excellence |
Megan | Huckabee | Coquille | OR | Academic Excellence |
Jacqueline | Hummel | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Angelica | Hunnicutt | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Michele | Ingle | Reedsport | OR | Dean’s List |
Grace | Inskeep | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Addalee | Isaacson | Afton | WY | Dean’s List |
Samuel | Jacobsen | Herriman | UT | Honor Roll |
Abdulla | Jamal | Hamad Town | Bahrain | Honor Roll |
Adele | Javorsky | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Samuel | Jennings | Brookings | OR | Academic Excellence |
Josiah | Jensen | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Irie | Johns | Central Point | OR | Dean’s List |
Ezra | Johnson | Port Orford | OR | Academic Excellence |
Angus | Johnson | Christchurch | New Zealand | Academic Excellence |
Makenna | Johnson | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Jessica | Jones | Coquille | OR | Academic Excellence |
Jalen | Jones | Las Vegas | NV | Honor Roll |
April | Jordan | Brookings | OR | Dean’s List |
Trinity | Jordan | Elk Grove | CA | Honor Roll |
Cianna | Jorgenson | Palmer | AK | Honor Roll |
Summer | Kath | Hollandale | MN | Academic Excellence |
Noah | Kegley | Fairbanks | AK | Academic Excellence |
Maggie | Keller | Bandon | OR | Dean’s List |
Lochlan | Kelsay | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Nichole | Kennedy | Coquille | OR | Academic Excellence |
Libbey | Ketchum | Roseburg | OR | Honor Roll |
Ethyn | Killinger | Spokane | WA | Honor Roll |
Tessa | King | Bandon | OR | Honor Roll |
Kylee | King | Anaconda | MT | Honor Roll |
Karly Joanne | Klein-McMahon | Ketchikan | AK | Dean’s List |
Kara | Klietz | Frenchtown | MT | Honor Roll |
Paige | Knudsen | North Bend | OR | Honor Roll |
Taiki | Kondo | Moriyama | Japan | Dean’s List |
Ashley | Kramer | Harrisburg | OR | Dean’s List |
Giaan | Langford | Oklahoma City | OK | Honor Roll |
Kaylene | Lassagne | Grants Pass | OR | Academic Excellence |
Ezekiel | Leary | Roseburg | OR | Honor Roll |
Therese | Lichte | Reedsport | OR | Honor Roll |
Ryan | Liggett | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Damian | Lilienthal | Myrtle Point | OR | Honor Roll |
Aidan | Lilienthal | Myrtle Point | OR | Honor Roll |
Nathaniel | Little | MYRTLE POINT | OR | Academic Excellence |
Kylee | Lively | Myrtle Point | OR | Dean’s List |
Haley | Loftis | Apache Junction | AZ | Honor Roll |
Andrew | Lossing | Bandon | OR | Academic Excellence |
Skylar | Lucas | North Bend | OR | Honor Roll |
Ximena | Lucio Calzada | Atizapan de Zaragoza | Mexico | Academic Excellence |
Crystal | Lyon | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Jaselle | Magana | Montclair | CA | Dean’s List |
Maria | Manning | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Keith | Manning-Murdock | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Samantha | Mansfield | Elk Grove | CA | Dean’s List |
Mike | Marchetti | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Brogan | Markel | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Laura | Martinez | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Max | Matthaei | Walddorfhaeslach | Germany | Honor Roll |
Kristin | Mayer | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Samuel | Mayes | Sisters | OR | Dean’s List |
Madison | McClannahan | Hermiston | OR | Honor Roll |
Deja | McComb | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Dylan | McConville | Lyle | WA | Honor Roll |
Tammy | McDonald | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Dallas | McGill | Gardiner | OR | Honor Roll |
Savannah | McHugill | Roseburg | OR | Dean’s List |
Chiara | McNerney | Lakeside | OR | Academic Excellence |
Alhana | McNutt | Lakeside | OR | Dean’s List |
Alexandra | Mead | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Alison | Melo | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Dominic | Mercado | North Las Vegas | NV | Dean’s List |
Philip | Metz | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Patrik | Metzler | Regensburg | Germany | Dean’s List |
Allison | Meyer | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Luke | Miles | Las Vegas | NV | Dean’s List |
Ravyn | Miranda | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Tamara | Moldt | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Nicholas | Moore | Urbana | OH | Dean’s List |
Cejay | Morgan | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Cannon | Morgan | Eagle | ID | Academic Excellence |
Brianna | Mowe | Myrtle Point | OR | Academic Excellence |
Elizabeth | Mulanax | Noblesville | IN | Dean’s List |
Mai | Nakamura | Suwa | Japan | Honor Roll |
Leah | Nastri | Pasco | WA | Dean’s List |
Destiny | Navarrete | Victorville | CA | Honor Roll |
Sarah | Nazar | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Briahnna | Neeleman | Salt Lake City | UT | Academic Excellence |
Rylee | Nelson | Wellsville | UT | Academic Excellence |
Daisy | Nguyen | North Bend | OR | Honor Roll |
Suzu | Nishioka | Brookings | OR | Dean’s List |
Cody | Nixon | Riverton | UT | Dean’s List |
Rhae | Norton | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Johnaven | Notti | Tacoma | WA | Honor Roll |
Joshua | Nowotny | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Justin | Ohman | Crescent City | CA | Dean’s List |
Joseph | Oliver | Lakeside | OR | Dean’s List |
Valerie | Osborne | Oakdale | CA | Dean’s List |
Bryan | Osorio | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Caleb | Ostmo | Eagle Point | OR | Honor Roll |
Rachel | Ouellette | Reedsport | OR | Honor Roll |
Alexis | Pacino | Brookings | OR | Honor Roll |
Haley | Parker | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Robert | Parsons | Layton | UT | Dean’s List |
Carissa | Pearson | Florence | OR | Honor Roll |
Brianna | Peters | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Sebastian | Peterson | Boise | ID | Dean’s List |
Kase | Peterson | South Jordan | UT | Honor Roll |
Kinsey | Pierce | Reedsport | OR | Academic Excellence |
Gaige | Pilot | Woodland | WA | Dean’s List |
Alexis | Pina | Alturas | CA | Dean’s List |
Ethan | Place | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Nathaniel | Plant | Yakima | WA | Academic Excellence |
Gracen | Porter | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Brittnee | Post | Coquille | OR | Honor Roll |
Jeffery | Potter | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Stephanie | Putman | Grants Pass | OR | Honor Roll |
Sonja | Rae | West Linn | OR | Honor Roll |
Santiago | Rafael | Ocoyucan | Mexico | Honor Roll |
Chantell | Rankin | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Shaya | Raziorrouh | Munich | Germany | Dean’s List |
Kai | Reasor | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Joy | Rice | Prineville | OR | Academic Excellence |
Reya | Rieke | Helena | MT | Honor Roll |
Halen | Riness | Sandy | UT | Academic Excellence |
Jenifer | Risenhoover | Brookings | OR | Dean’s List |
Marissa | Ritchie | Riverside | CA | Honor Roll |
Thomas | Rivelle | Brookings | OR | Dean’s List |
Micah | Roberts | Gold Beach | OR | Academic Excellence |
Emily | Rodley | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Isaac | Rodrigues | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Landon | Rodriguez | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Maria | Rodriguez | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Cary | Rogers | Myrtle Point | OR | Academic Excellence |
Alexis | Rolen | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Karina | Rosales-Osorio | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Gillian | Roybal | Albuquerque | NM | Academic Excellence |
Amythist | Rudder | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Kayla | Russel | Klamath Falls | OR | Honor Roll |
Kasey | Saadat | Gold Beach | OR | Honor Roll |
Jullianna | Saint Hilaire | West Valley City | UT | Academic Excellence |
David | Salleng | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Sharadee | Sands | Fort Defiance | AZ | Honor Roll |
Abigail | Schetzsle | Veteran Alberta | CN | Dean’s List |
Jasper | Schorzman | Boise | ID | Dean’s List |
Joseph | Schulkins | Nampa | ID | Dean’s List |
Leah | Scott | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
JR | Scott | The Dalles | OR | Academic Excellence |
Kaleb | Scott | Grants Pass | OR | Honor Roll |
Allison | Seeley | Coquille | OR | Honor Roll |
Koby | Sewall | Roseburg | OR | Dean’s List |
Kayla | Shedrick | Myrtle Point | OR | Dean’s List |
Tyler | Shields | Prineville | OR | Dean’s List |
Brady | Shults | Palmer | AK | Honor Roll |
Gracie | Slater | Myrtle Point | OR | Academic Excellence |
Hadassah | Slater | Myrtle Point | OR | Academic Excellence |
Hezekiah | Slater | Myrtle Point | OR | Dean’s List |
Braydon | Snoddy | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Joslyn | Soinila | Chico | CA | Academic Excellence |
Connor | Spanos | Seward | AK | Academic Excellence |
Isaiah | Speroni | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Mollie | Spillman | Spring Creek | NV | Dean’s List |
Spencer | Spini | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Ashley | Stadden | North Bend | OR | Honor Roll |
Miles | Stanford | Council | ID | Honor Roll |
Morgan | Steele | Sherwood | OR | Academic Excellence |
Connor | Steele | Sherwood | OR | Honor Roll |
Hailey | Stefan | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Rayna | Stephan | Port Orford | OR | Academic Excellence |
Lucas | Stephens | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Parker | Stocker | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Carley | Streitler | Medford | OR | Dean’s List |
Kayla | Strickler | Eureka | CA | Academic Excellence |
Lacey | Tabor | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Niamh | Taylor-Hughes | Gorey | Ireland | Academic Excellence |
Kaelynn | Teagle | Grants Pass | OR | Academic Excellence |
Landon | Theisen | Huntsville | AL | Dean’s List |
Adrianna | Thode | Reedsport | OR | Dean’s List |
Tayler | Thomas | Myrtle Point | OR | Dean’s List |
Abbigail | Thomas | North Bend | OR | Honor Roll |
Kyran | Thomas | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Samantha | Thompson | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Aubrey | Thorsen | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Misty | Thrash | Coquille | OR | Academic Excellence |
Logan | Todd | Roseburg | OR | Honor Roll |
Tamara | Tollett | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Rodrigo | Torrellio | Eugene | OR | Academic Excellence |
Sydney | Trendell | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Trinity | Trentz | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Guadalupe | Trujillo | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
LynDea | Turner | Syracuse | UT | Academic Excellence |
Haley | Van Pelt | Coquille | OR | Academic Excellence |
Dominique | Van Vuure | Julianadorp | Curacao | Honor Roll |
Maria | Velarde | Dacula | GA | Dean’s List |
Kayla | Vierra | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Lazavien | Walker | Covina | CA | Academic Excellence |
Samantha | Ward | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Hanalei | Warren | Mountain View | HI | Dean’s List |
Boone | Weatherby | Gold Beach | OR | Dean’s List |
Salina | White | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Deyven | White | Kapolei | HI | Honor Roll |
Sterling | Williams | North Bend | OR | Honor Roll |
Katelin | Wirth | Bandon | OR | Academic Excellence |
Kalandria | Wisbey | North Bend | OR | Honor Roll |
Michael | Witzil | Medford | OR | Dean’s List |
Ashley | Wojcik | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Melody | Wood | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Victoria | Wraith | Brookings | OR | Honor Roll |
Brieanna | Yancey | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Emma | Yazzie | Page | AZ | Academic Excellence |
Mitchell | Young | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Dean | Yurica | Bandon | OR | Academic Excellence |
Fabian | Zamora Forno | San Antonio | TX | Dean’s List |
Emerson | Zettl | Highlands Ranch | CO | Academic Excellence |
Kim | Zwinkels | Hillegom | Netherlands | Academic Excellence |